Craigslist scams are getting better and more frequent. One of the latest is applied to sellers of expensive items. If you sell or have sold anything on Craigslist you probably already have seen this in action! In a matter of minutes or a day you get an email saying they want to buy what you are selling, sight unseen. They usually tell you they will pay you through paypal because they are: Out to sea, in another country temporarily, or any excuse why they can't do this themselves. They tell you they have an anonymous shipper who will arrange pick up with you. If you fall for it the "shipper" picks up your item and you let them because you see the money in your paypal account. The buyer files a dispute with paypal. Paypal has no choice to send the money back to "the buyer". They have no proof the item was ever picked up.
This scam must work for them enough to justify all the work they put into it. It's so prolific people are talking about it in the paypal forum. I for one would love to run a bust on them and submit that idea to one of the major networks. Hmmm.
Craigslist doesn't care, take responsibility enough to create even a scam warning forum or even let you warn others. Do your business face to face, never use pay pal and stay alert to anything that is "odd".
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