I really need to talk to you about Craigslist and applying for jobs. I'm posting a job ad as I will soon need help for my business. People have been just submitting their resume', not reading the ad. They are just attaching their resume' and moving on. I feel like responding to them about getting my professional resume' writing services. They've been written horribly. They don't have a cover letter targeting their abilities that would relate to the job description!
All I can say is don't do this! It's far more important than you know! Just submitting your resume' tells me you are just throwing your resume' around and nothing else. I can tell you from years of experience in the financial industry it would just hit the shredder. Think of the job description as your supply of the key words necessary to land the job. Take those words and highlight your ability in those areas. Use specific examples of past work or schooling or volunteer activities. Without putting any thought into the actual very important step of showing real interest in landing the right job for you the employer immediately thinks, "Would they put any thought into the actual job?" Their answer would be "No". Please put some thought into it, even in craigslist!
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