Multitasking the right way conjures up visions in each person’s mind in very different ways. Yet you have to ask yourself are you really multitasking? The perception of multitasking is different in each persons mind. Employment advertising will say: able to multitask in a fast paced……. A Walmart greater saying good morning to 10 customers at once is fast pace. Looking around for trash and dirt as well is multitasking. But you never see a job offer for the position saying these criteria are part of the job!
Entering an online career is equally fast pace and multitasking depending on who you talk to. Most people think multitasking means talking on the phone, driving and writing all at the same time is multitasking. Ok, maybe you are multitasking, but we all know the consequences that develop at some point when you do this. Most people think if you are talking on the phone and entering data into a computer is multitasking, but some don’t. You are physically doing two things. I think that’s multitasking. However, when I’m doing some mundane task like doing dishes and thinking about prioritizing my day or writing this blog, I of that as multitasking, it’s just no one can see me doing it!
I love asking the interviewer what their definition of multitasking is which actually shocks them! It’s hilarious listening to their answer! You aren’t supposed to ask this question during an interview! The same goes for asking them what they mean by fast paced or, if you’re older than 40 don’t ask them what their definition of too old to fulfill the requirements of the job.
Some of the best words of wisdom I ever heard were: Do one thing and do it well. These are wise words, on the other hand, what is the definition of “one thing”? Everyone with one 9 to 5 job thinks they are doing one thing because they have only one job! What about your hobbies? What about your responsibilities?
Everyone from the school janitor up to the president of the US have more to do than their job or run their company. Raising a family and many are becoming do-it-yourselfers since the recession. What about sports fans? Then there are the second property owners. Everyone has more than one thing going on!
I think the wiser statement is “know your priorities”. Right now making a living is my highest priority. When I’m going to the post office and thinking about my conference call coming up, I’m multitasking. So what is your definition of multitasking? Once you know, do it and do it very well!
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