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Thursday, May 10, 2012

mylot disappeared

I've been writing in mylot for over a year now, yet today it disappeared. I can't find it! Every try from every direction gives me a screen that says run time error! This has been ongoing for over 5 hours! Does this mean I'm blocked from using mylot so they don't have to give me a reason? What gives?


  1. it is not working for everyone

  2. It's OK. They have been moving offices AND servers at the same time. A huge recipe for disaster ... and they thought they could do it without letting the users know!

  3. Ah HA! Seams to me there are many big companies who've had unexpected results from something they thought would work! Thanks for the update! I'll let my readers know.
    I did get it back a few hours later. Never saw that anomaly before!
