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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Talk about free income! Your ancestor left you all of theirs?!

Did you ever wonder why there is so much spam email trying to sell you on single sites, credit scores, weight loss and money you supposedly inherited from some rich deceased relative in Zimbabwe?  You could be faithfully married, know credit score and never had to diet. So why do you keep getting them? After doing a lot of research on online income you’ll find the top 10 most profitable on line subjects list these as money makers.
The first three don’t bother me as far as trying to get your money and participation, at least not as much as the last. The last one shows us a lot about society in general. It shows us people are greedy, desperate for cash and willing to shut off common sense in pursuit of wealth. We would never get these emails if they didn’t make money for someone on the other end.
If I were to believe my email telling me I had an ancestor in some region of Africa that left me all their money I would be broke. First I have to send them some ridiculous sum of money for them to send ME my “inheritance”. And according to my email I have had a lot of ancestors in Africa. Considering my family has lived in the Midwestern United States for 4 generations, these tales are impossible to by into.
I used to get a lot of email from “people” who, through no fault of their own were bankrupt, ill and homeless. Believe it or not, this is a profitable “business” as well! Enough people out there have huge hearts and are willing to help those in need, but that’s the only positive news about it. They feel sorry enough about an individual’s problems to send them money only to soon go to their bank embarrassed because they got suckered. That last part isn’t what I’ve learned online, it’s from experience. I worked at a bank a couple of years ago and met two of these people.
So when people who are curious about what I do online the subject of spam comes up. I just tell them; “According to my email I need to dissolve my marriage and date again, I need to lose weight,  have my credit score checked three times a week and move to Zimbabwe to make money transfers easier from some ancestors at least 5 generations ago”. They get the point.
Someday I wish I could respond to one of these emails and tell them to give me their location because I’m moving there and would love to meet them!

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